Stacy Mine

former Blog Editor at Serpstat


How to Collect Keywords For a Website

August 10, 2022

How to Collect Keywords For a Website

To successfully promote any type of website and get it to the top of organic search results, you always need to conduct proper keyword research and compile a comprehensive list of keywords, thematically relevant to your website's line of business, niche, and topic. Not only is it useful for creating and optimizing a website, but also for launching advertising campaigns. Also, that's the ultimate way to get your website to the top of search results.

How To Collect A Keyword List To Cover All Areas of your Business

July 22, 2022

How To Collect A Keyword List To Cover All Areas of your Business

When collecting keywords for your website, it is crucial to find as many relevant keywords as possible. They should satisfy the customers search requests at each stage of their journey and describe all the products offered on the website.

How To Carry Out A Quick Analysis Of Competitors' Contextual Advertising (PPC)

May 8, 2022

How To Carry Out A Quick Analysis Of Competitors' Contextual Advertising (PPC)

Here I will teach you to find your competitors in SERPs, how to learn what tricks they use, and how to analyze their keywords, ads, landing pages. I will tell you about services that will find out the rough advertising costs of their advertising campaign.

What size should the meta description length be for the successful web page optimization in 2022

February 16, 2022

What size should the meta description length be for the successful web page optimization in 2022

Using the Description meta tag, you can create a description of the web page that will be available to a user and the search engine robot. The use of Description tags is an effective tool to increase website visibility, increase CTR in search and increase traffic.

Best Tools For SEO That Will Boost Your Rankings: The Complete List [2022 Reviews]

January 29, 2022

Best Tools For SEO That Will Boost Your Rankings: The Complete List [2022 Reviews]

Looking for the best SEO tools to use? We’ve cherry-picked the most valuable tools for SEO, from keyword research and analytics to local SEO tools. Bookmark the article now and have the best SEO tools always ready at hand.

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