Start Exploring Keyword Ideas

Use Serpstat to find the best keywords for your website

Marketing 41 min read September 20, 2022

Best SaaS Digital Marketing Strategies in 2022

Best SaaS Digital Marketing Strategies in 2022
Best SaaS Digital Marketing Strategies in 2022
Samuel Mbanaso
SEO Copywriter at Traqq
Having a unique product isn't enough to boost sales. You need effective digital marketing strategies to face the swelling and saturated competition in the SaaS industry. The SaaS market is now triple its 2015 size. Plus, the industry sees an 18% growth every year on average.

The demand for SaaS products is also almost infinite because more than 90% of businesses now use at least one SaaS product. So, every new business grows in the SaaS industry, regardless of sector. These numbers show the industry's competitive nature, making lead conversion a hot competition among SaaS digital marketers.

So, your innovative product will remain undiscovered if you're not going for the right crowd. SaaS digital marketing is all about convincing the right audience to become regular customers. Doing that involves using specific strategies to find leads and passing across messages that win them over.

This article covers the best marketing strategies to attract, convert, and retain leads.

1. Build Blocks for SaaS Marketing Strategies

You must gather relevant metrics, reports, research, and data to create winning digital marketing campaigns. These resources will form the basis of your marketing strategies and ensure you make a solid marketing blueprint.

Productive Marketing Team

You need the right team of professionals to build and execute your digital marketing strategy.

There's no straightforward playbook on how to build a winning marketing team. Every hiring decision depends on your company's objectives and budget.

So, assess your current marketing team to confirm if it has what it takes to drive your digital marketing efforts.

Outsourcing vs In-House

You can choose to outsource your SaaS marketing to experienced agencies. It's more cost-effective, especially if you're a startup. However, that comes with the issue of allowing strangers to handle your brand messaging.

An in-house team is more integrated and can interact better with your prospects. But the strain on your budget may be too steep.

Freelance Marketers

To save costs, you can contact a team of remote freelance marketers. This way, you're hiring from a global talent pool and avoiding the cost of full-time employees.

You can pay by the hour and monitor productivity and billable hours using a time tracking spreadsheet or a digital time tracker.

That said, you must provide the proper training to ensure they're correctly in tune with your brand's identity and culture.

Marketing Team Structure 

Your team's structure depends on your budget, business size, and the type of marketing you want to pursue. 

You need a defined structure with clearly stated roles and responsibilities. For example, you may have to run different departments, such as content marketing, product marketing, search engine optimization, paid advertising, and demand generation departments. 

In a small company, one professional can have a broader role in handling each department. But as your marketing needs start to scale, you may have to furnish each department with specialists.

Remember, each team member should have autonomy over their roles to boost creativity and innovation.

2. Understand Your Competition

Competitive digital marketing research involves finding out your competitor's strengths and weaknesses.

By checking out your competitors, you're:
  • identifying what makes your product stand out;
  • discovering what they're doing right and wrong in terms of sales and marketing tactics;
  • learning what their customers are missing;
  • measuring your growth benchmark against their performance.
This process removes the guesswork from your strategy-building endeavors, especially when starting from scratch. You get a lot of intelligence that can define your marketing strategies and journey.
So what are you looking for?

Let's say you already have a great product with unique offerings. So, your main marketing objective is brand exposure and lead generation.

You're essentially looking for answers to the following questions:
  • Who is your closest competitor's target audience?
  • How are your competitors reaching their audience?
  • What is their messaging?
  • What does the target audience like and dislike about your competitors?
  • How do people react to your competitors?
  • When do people use your competitors the most?
  • What unique offerings do your competitors provide?
  • Which keywords they are ranking for?

Thankfully, there are great tools for checking everything your competitors are up to and collecting the data you need. They include:
  1. Serpstat: Analyze your competitors' online footprint, including keyword trends and maps.
  2. Brand24: For brand monitoring.
  3. SparkToro: For checking out your competitors' audience.
  4. Social Status: For monitoring your competitors' social media presence and performance.

3. Build Your Buyer Personas

Building buyer personas is the art of profiling your ideal targets and knowing things about them that would influence their decision-making.

Since the idea behind SaaS digital marketing is focusing on the ideal audience, there's no point starting anything without knowing who you're targeting. The personas help you create copy, build landing pages, run ad campaigns, and influence your marketing endeavors.

According to Cintell's 2016 benchmark study on understanding B2B buyers, organizations that outperform revenue and lead target expectations are 3.8 times more likely to have and manage a buyer persona database.

To build your buyer personas, you can organize surveys, reach out to existing clients, and research your competition. You can also use testimonials, client interactions with your sales team, feedback, and data from your CRM.

Components of an Effective Marketing Plan: Buyer Persona and Buyer’s Journey

You have to look beyond mere demographics when building your personas. Finding out that your target audience is 21- to 30-year-old marketing professionals in the United States isn't enough. You have to look at things such as:

  • Pain points.
  • Spending habits.
  • How do they consume information?
  • Budget and buying plans.
  • How do they go about buying products and services?
  • What channels do they use to research products and services?
  • Their preferred communication channels.
  • Their preferred social media channels.
  • Hobbies and interests.
  • Economic and financial status.

4. Define Your Business' Core Customer Charm

Every SaaS company offers a unique selling point. But how you tell your leads about what makes you stand apart determines how many of them you can convert.

Since you’ve built your buyer personas, you already know who you want to tell about your unique selling proposition

Next is creating a list of things that make your product unique. You can draw up this list by looking at your competitor analysis and finding what you offer that they don’t. Then, define how those unique selling points will help your target audience.

5. Understand Your Buyer Journey

Buyer Journey: stages
Every customer starts as a lead looking to solve a problem. How they complete the consumer life cycle depends on which company sells its products better.

That's where building a defined customer journey map for your brand comes in. There are different stages in this journey. Therefore, your marketing strategy must be customer-centric and designed to meet leads at every touchpoint and guide them to the next stage until they become loyal customers.
So what are the different stages in the buyer journey?

  • The Realization Stage: also known as the awareness stage, is when a potential customer recognizes the need to solve a particular problem. This is where you make the lead see that you understand their problem and can solve it.
  • The Deliberation Stage: also known as the consideration stage, is where the lead starts identifying options. You can convince them that your product is the right solution during this stage. You can use different types of content optimized toward this goal.
  • The Assessment Stage: also called the evaluation or nurture stage, is where potential customers start weighing different solutions to their problems. They're almost over the line and just need to be convinced about where to buy.
  • The Decision Stage: this is where they choose which product to use.
  • The Retention Stage: at this point, customers become repeat buyers.

6. Use SEO to Drive Organic Web Traffic

Ranking higher in search engine result pages (SERPs) is among the most effective ways to boost your brand's awareness organically.

Consider that search engines, especially Google, start 68% of online experiences, according to a Brightedge report, and search engine users have more precise intentions. According to the same report, organic search tops the chart for trackable web traffic and remains the most prominent digital channel for lead generation.

When you attract people to your website through search engines, you get leads that search for solutions you're already offering. That means they're already halfway to becoming customers. 

The trick with SEO is having a sound strategy and building your website to rank higher on search results. Ranking higher is essential because, according to Moz, searchers spend less than one minute entering a search and deciding which result to open. So, the higher your website is on the result page, the higher your chances of attracting leads.
Top SaaS companies use SEO strategies to boost site traffic, convert leads, and build healthy company-consumer relationships. A combination of different SaaS-focused SEO strategies will make your organization a top player in the industry. 

That said, you need to focus on several key areas and models to get actual results. Your in-house team or outsourced SEO agency can handle these SEO aspects.

How to Convert Organic Traffic Into Qualified Leads

Let's start with your site's SEO audit.

Run an SEO Audit

Running an SEO audit is how you start your SEO strategy. It's the technical part of SEO that sets the ground running.
technical seo as as foundation of seo
Source [Backlinko]
You need to ensure that Google properly checks your site and that you don't have issues like duplicate content. You're good to go after fixing those technical SEO errors.

You can use your Google Search Console account to conduct a quick SEO audit. Go to the Coverage report section once you log into the account to see your indexed pages in Google. You can then use the details section to find errors that Google may be experiencing with your page.

You can also use tools like Serpstat's Site Audit feature to check other SEO-related issues and get an audit summary.
Serpstat Site Audit tool: Audit Summary report
Serpstat Site Audit tool: Audit Summary report
  • Scan any separate page to check for technical issues.
  • Sort out technical issues on your site by their priority, and fix issues that have an impact on your rankings.
  • Track the growth dynamics of the site optimization level.
  • Schedule automatic checks, and monitor if the number of issues found is decreasing.

Want to test a comprehensive Site Audit tool?

Click the button below and sign up for a free 7-day trial!

Carry Out Keyword Research

Keyword research involves finding the phrases and words your target audience use on Google when searching for solutions you offer.

When working on your SEO content and efforts, you'll be targeting the wrong audience by using the wrong keywords, or not using keywords.

The right keywords, on the other hand, serve as your SEO compass and provide a basis for your strategies. They help you understand your target audiences, how they respond to messages, and where to find them. 

You can then use all that data to create the right content to attract and convert them.
  • How do you go about Keyword Research?
Now that you understand the importance of keywords, let's walk you through the things you need to get started.
  • How to come up with Seed Keywords?
You need keyword research tools to generate valuable keywords. But those tools rely on "seed" keywords to find your strategy's best words and phrases. 

The seed keywords come from your business niche and product offering. They're generic words and phrases that embody your product offering. Building a list of these keywords is easy since you already have a business.

For example, if your company produces software to track menstrual cycles, your keywords seeds should look like this:
  • menstruation;
  • menstrual cycle;
  • ovulation;
  • pregnancy;
  • cramps.

While these keywords aren't valuable to target, they'll help the tool generate lists of keywords your likely buyers are searching for.
  • Use a Keyword Research tool
Now that you know your buyer persona and have gathered your seed keywords, it's time to use a keyword research tool. From Serpstat to Google Keyword Planner, numerous platforms show you what keywords to use, as long as you know what you're dealing with.

With Serpstat's Keyword SEO research feature, you can find the right keywords for different pages on your website. You can learn about your competitors, find out your potential buyer's questions, and peruse in-depth SERP analysis.
Google Keyword Planner is another great tool that helps you find valuable keywords that your competitors may have missed. While advertisers mostly use it, it contains many SEO gems as well. Once you enter your seed keywords, you'll see a list of related keywords alongside their average monthly searches.

You should forget about the competition tab in the tool, as it's only relevant to advertisers. It merely shows how much advertisers are willing to fight for a particular keyword.

Other excellent free tools can help you with your keyword research. They include Google Search Console, Google Trends, and Google Analytics. While these free tools will help with basic keyword research, you'll have to hop on the paid plans for most to get more valuable data. They're SaaS companies, after all.
  • Analyze Keywords
Your keyword research tool will pump out lots of keyword ideas. But they're not necessarily the right keywords you should start ranking for. It's up to you to figure out the ideal ones to work with.

The good thing is that there are different metrics and factors that help you identify those ideal words and phrases. 

For example, the Serpstat Keyword Research tool fetches all search terms containing your set keywords. The software compiles all the results and includes critical data, such as:

  • search volume, which is the number of times a phrase is searched for within a given period;
  • cost per click, which is the cost of using the Pay-Per-Click model to advertise in the SERPs of that specific query;
  • return rate, which is the average number of times a user searches for the same term again within 30 days, and many more.
Serpstat Keyword Research tool: Keywords selection report
Serpstat Keyword Research tool: Keywords selection report
  • Discover the Right Keywords to target
You can identify the right keywords to target by looking at your analysis. Whether short- or long-tail keywords, you must categorize those used in your landing pages, product pages, blog posts, guest posts, and meta descriptions.

You should also consider going for less competitive keywords if you're a startup without the funds to fight for highly competitive keywords. 

Competitive keywords are those with high search volumes, clicks, and traffic potential. They'll also be categorized as difficult keywords in your keyword research tool.

After knowing the right keywords to target, you can prioritize them and choose how to develop your content. And that brings us to Content Marketing for SaaS.

7. Content Marketing Strategies for SaaS

Content creation involves developing resourceful materials that will rank on search engines and attract leads. These resources include blog posts, tutorials, infographics, and consumable media.

CoBloom conducted an analysis of 250 top SaaS companies in the world. It found the following:
  • 36% of the leading SaaS organizations run an educational blog.
  • Educational blogs drive 14% more organic traffic than news-focused and PR blogs.
  • Top-performing blog posts receive 246 more shares on social media platforms.
  • The top 10% of blog posts attracted 2,514 monthly organic search visitors.

These numbers show how content marketing is at the core of your entire marketing strategy. It pulls leads from different areas and guides them through the customer journey.

If you're going to pull traffic and build a healthy consumer relationship through content, you must use unique content marketing strategies, not some remix of what your competitors are doing.

But you still must check out your competitors to see how their content performs across different platforms to streamline your approach.

Best Strategies for SaaS SEO Content Marketing

SaaS SEO content marketing is different from generic marketing. Looking at your top-performing competitors, you'll notice how they target leads with streamlined and educational content.

You'll have to create blog posts and other content types, but how you approach them matters. Let's show you what works.
  • Use topic clusters
topic clusters
Source [HubSpot]
A topic cluster covers multiple articles related to a subject.

Using topic clusters is a way to show Google and other search engines that you're an authority on a subject. Let's go through an example.
Entering "search engine optimization" in the Google search bar
Entering "search engine optimization" in the Google search bar, Search Engine Land's article ranks as number one. That's because the site is an authority on the subject, with many blogs and guest posts.

When you open the article, you'll find links to pages that will guide you through the SEO learning journey. This page is known as a pillar cluster page.
  • Build topic clusters
Start by choosing a topic and researching it. It would help to analyze your competitors' content to find gaps in their SEO strategies. You can then select a subject to build your cluster.

After that, brainstorm sub-topics that expand your customers' knowledge about the subject. Remember to do keyword research for each subtopic and infuse your buyer personas into the process. You can now create your content. 

Ensure you link them all together, track each page's performance, and improve your overall topic cluster strategy as you go.
  • Use storytelling
Storytelling involves recounting real-life or imaginary experiences to educate or share a message. It's a powerful way to keep your site audiences engaged because stories are the best tools to evoke emotion and emotions push people to take action.

You can use accounts from existing customers to explain a product's effectiveness instead of outlining the product's benefits.
  • Run a Search Engine Optimized SaaS Blog
Running a SaaS digital marketing blog involves publishing high-quality, educational, interactive, and informational content. Each blog post must cover everything a reader needs and wants to know. 

While your posts are optimized for SERPs, the reader must be your primary focus. That's because they'll leave your site as fast as they found it if you don't provide valuable information.
These tips will help you keep the user engaged:

  1. Include thoroughly researched information. 
  2. Use storytelling.
  3. Create short paragraphs.
  4. Get rid of unnecessary jargon and use simple words.
  5. Link to other posts that provide more information about a topic.
Now, follow these tips to optimize each blog post for search engines:

  • Use long-form, scannable content of 2,000 words and more.
  • Use a well-defined headings structure of H1, H2, and H3 tags.
  • Add high-intent keywords to your headers and sub-headers.
  • Use featured snippets to answer questions directly.
  • Add keywords to your meta descriptions.
  • Add keywords naturally, don't just stuff them in.
  • Add links to high-authority websites.
  • Link to other helpful articles on your blog.
  • Reduce image size to boost site speed.

How to Write Better Blog Posts: 12 Experts Share Their Best Tips

  • Allow guest posts on your blog
Guest posting is a culture that every SEO expert holds dear. It's a content collaboration activity that involves creating content for other websites and including a do-follow link. In this case, guest authors write articles for your blog and include a link to theirs.

Guest posts can make you an authority within your industry. They also help you foster great relationships with other thought leaders and build credibility around your brand and services. While guest posts are essential and beneficial, they should be monitored and validated at all times.

You must ensure the guest author writes educational and high-quality content relevant to your service offerings. Avoid guest posts with low-quality content, and make sure they follow your SEO guidelines for blog posting.

Guest writers should not include spammy links to your site, as Google will likely penalize you.

Serpstat team is always ready to cooperate with genuine experts in SEO/PPC and Digital Marketing spheres.

If you want to contribute and write the guest post — feel free to read the guidelines.

8. Design an Effective Link-Building Strategy 

Link-building is all about getting high-quality links from other (authoritative) websites to your site. These links are known as backlinks.

Backlinks remain one of the top-three factors for Google's search rankings. Google sees links to different parts of your website as proof that you produce quality, helpful content. And when those links come from other authoritative sites, it'll recommend your posts to users by ranking them higher on its SERPs.

So how do you go about link-building?

Create High-Quality Linkable Content

We've explained why and how high-quality blog posts and content across your website are critical to SEO. Well, link-building is another reason.

If your website contains good enough resources, you'll receive numerous backlinks. That said, you have to produce the types of content that attract quality backlinks. For example, websites with long-form content enjoy 77.2% more backlinks than those with short content.

Content types that are great link magnets include:
  • statistics;
  • infographics;
  • guides;
  • long-form articles;
  • pillar pages;
  • glossary pages;
  • customer testimonials and stories;
  • product comparison pages;
  • opinion posts by founders and influencers.

Write Guest Posts for High Authority Websites

Other reputable blogs are also open to guest posts.

You have to pitch article ideas and produce highly optimized content that will also help the blog's readers and their SEO efforts. While these websites have strict guest posting standards, you'll be rewarded with a link to your website for your efforts. 

Note that you may have to pay for some guest posts, especially on popular blogs and publications.

Use Digital PR

You can collaborate with blogs and media outlets to post PR links to your website pages. 

Create relationships with niche bloggers and journalists to make it work. Then offer them newsworthy content that will benefit the publishers.

Exchange Product Offerings for Links 

You can work with influencers to get links and mentions in exchange for using your products. You can also encourage your product’s users to embed your product on their site and include a link.

For example, if your product is a quick calculating tool, they could add the “Powered by” and add a link to your website.

Track Down Your Unlinked Resources

You can contact the publishers to insert the link if your brand's name has been mentioned in specific blogs and sites without links. 

The same goes for images related to high-quality content like statistics, graphs, and infographics.

Rebuild Broken Links 

Broken web pages with errors like "404 Not found" are bad for SEO. 

You should update your website from time to time by removing and editing pages. Of course, this activity can cause a heavy mess, especially if the pages you moved or removed already had backlinks. But things can become less complicated if you use such a tool I've mentioned earlier. 

Before updating any web page kink or removing it, reach out to publishers of its backlinks and get them to make the required changes.

Nevertheless, you can always check the Backlink Profile and Domain Rank score using the Backlink Analysis tool from Serpstat

9. Video Marketing 

While SEO remains the most significant source of organic traffic, marketers are going beyond text-based content in 2022.

Consider that YouTube is the second most visited website in the world after Google, and 78% of users get their content from the platform. It goes to show how many potential customers are waiting to be converted.

On top of that, Google now uses video content as part of its search ranking factors. So, including videos on your website will boost your traffic!

Creating educational and fun videos will guarantee your audience will spend more time browsing through the site, which can lead to more sales conversions.
However, like blogging, there are strategies to put in place to ensure that your video content achieves its desired objectives.

→ Create a plan for your video with relevant stakeholders.
→ Set a Schedule and Budget for your video.
→ Choose the platform that works for your services.
→ Choose your message type.

There are many video streaming platforms that can be adopted for marketing your SaaS: Vimeo, Vidyard, Wevideo, Wistia, Powtoon, Filmora, Wave Video, etc. You can use educational videos, customer testimonials, product demo videos, and answer FAQs in videos.
Tip: While posting videos on YouTube, you can add backlinks to your website in the description. You can also embed YouTube videos on your website.

25 Often-Repeated Misconceptions About Video Marketing

10. Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most direct and effective digital strategies for SaaS. It can be used to engage and promote new services and updates to your existing customers. It also serves to acquire and onboard new customers.

Although email marketing may have been around for a while, it is still very efficient for converting leads to sales. A 2015 DMA email marketing study showed a $38 return on investment (ROI) for every $1 spent on an email.

Develop Your Email List

Your email list is a database of target emails. To build the list, you can use lead magnets such as downloadable templates, coupons, ebooks, free webinars, and free quotes. 

Typically, you'll have to create a form to activate the download button for these resources. And the good thing is that those who fill out the forms are open to receiving promotional emails.

Use Email Service Providers for Marketing

Email service providers help you manage subscriber lists, create professional designs, automate email sequences, maintain legal compliance, and track your email marketing performance. 

They make sure your emails are properly delivered without being flagged as spam.

You can use ESPs such as MailChimp, Zoho, and ProtonMail. While Gmail and Yahoo offer free individual email clients, you can also use their paid business plans.

Consider Different Types of Email Marketing Campaigns

  • Email Newsletter
    You can use newsletters to send information about updates, tips, or newsworthy information to your email list.

    To create the perfect newsletter, you must ensure that you have defined your goals and target audience. Use visually pleasing templates to create your newspaper, and endeavor to keep the content concise and specific. 
  • Promotional Emails
    Promotional emails attach incentives to the information being passed, thus prompting the reader to click on your promo offering and convincing them to make a purchase.

    For example, if the prospects bounce off your page after seeing your pricing, you can send a promotional email, offering them a discount.
  • Acquisition Emails
    This involves using emails to acquire or grow your customer base. To achieve the objective of acquisition emails, you can run campaigns using sponsorship emails. 
  • Sponsorship Emails
    Such emails enable you to reach a different audience, not on your email list. It involves the use of paid ads. You could pay for a copy of your email to be included in other newsletters or email campaigns.

    One benefit of sponsored emails is that you can be specific about the segment or audience you want to reach.  
  • Retention or Re-engagement Emails
    Part of tracking your email list is determining your user personas' active and inactive. Re-engagement emails can be sent out to inactive customers once discovered.

    Information can be tailored to request customer feedback about your services. When you get a response from them, you can win them back by offering promos and other ways to improve your service to them.

11. Social Media Marketing

Social media is one of the best hunting grounds for high-quality SaaS leads. According to a Stackla survey, 79% of respondents are influenced by user-generated content on different social media platforms.
And as it turns out, almost all your potential buyers are on at least one social media channel. 

Consider that:
In addition to generating leads and building your customer base, Social Media provides you with analytic tools that can provide insights into your social engagement.

So how do you build a social media strategy?

Identify the Preferred Platforms of Your Ideal Targets

Let's say you offer a B2B product and mainly target professionals. In that case, you're better off using sites like LinkedIn.

Once you discover where to focus your marketing efforts, ensure you use the platform effectively. For example, Social Sprout reports that the best time to post on Twitter is 9 am on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.

Research Your Competitors

I can't stress this enough.

Of course, it's a bad idea to repeat whatever your competition is doing. Your targets will get bored with your brand and rate you low if they see copied content on your social media pages.

Checking out your competitor's social media marketing efforts means discovering things you can do better.

Use Paid Social Media Advertising

Almost every social media platform has a paid advertising arm. You can pay for sponsored posts that will show up on your target audience's feed and get insights into how these ads perform.

The great thing is that these platforms optimize their advertising to target the right audiences. It then falls on you to provide the right content for these ads.

Leverage Twitter Spaces 

Twitter released its audio-only platform, Twitter Spaces, in November 2020 to increase user engagement. The feature has since grown into a powerful promotional tool that can boost brand awareness.

You can schedule space and set a reminder ahead of time for attendees. Your spaces image card will be visible to your followers, but you can further amplify its reach using a Promoted Tweet.

Twitter Spaces helps you spread awareness because followers of attendees will be notified about the event. You can share tweets with links during each Spaces event to attract new leads to your website.

12. Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Organic search is undoubtedly the best lead generation strategy, but you still have to diversify. 

Pay-per-click advertising comes in when you can't wait to build your web pages to rank number one, especially if you don't have the funding.

With a solid PPC campaign, you can get your products in front of your target audience faster and fill your sales funnel. That said, SaaS PPC is also a hotly contested space. That's because keywords can be expensive if many brands are competing for them.

So, you have to know the right keywords to target and use the best PPC policies.

Understand PPC Quality Score

The PPC quality score is how Google assesses and grades your PPC ads. The search giant's primary goal is to refer users and buyers to the best products. So, it has to evaluate your brand and marketing strategy to rank you.

If your grades are excellent, it keeps using your ads and continues to get more clicks (and make more money).

Here are quick tips to boost your quality scores with Google:

  • Make sure the loading speed of your landing page is fast.
  • Your URLs should contain your targeted keywords.
  • Stick to advertising one offer per ad instead of multiple offers per ad.
  • Use mobile-friendly ad extensions.
  • Optimize your ad copy to entice users.
  • Your landing page and ad headline should also contain targeted keywords.

Work On Improving Your Click-Through-Rate 

Your CTR is how many times leads click on your paid ads. The problem with getting higher CTRs is that other advertisers also target the same keywords as you.

So, you must make your ads catchy, address your target audience's pain points, effectively show your unique selling proposition, and include social proof.

13. Affiliate Marketing

This referral-based marketing campaign is another strategy you'll want to pursue. Sure, your competitors are already using affiliates to gain new leads. But you can beat them at their game.

Look at your budget for affiliate marketing and offer affiliate partners more than your competitors give them. You can target smaller community-based influencers if you can't go for big brand influencers.

Always collaborate with your affiliates to correctly state your brand's unique selling proposition.

Main Takeaway: Develop a Retargeting Strategy

Building a robust marketing campaign is converting leads and retaining them. You shouldn't just focus on bringing in new leads, but also retain existing customers. 

Your SaaS brand can increase revenue by 25 to 95% if it can boost its customer retention rate by 5%. Also, retaining old customers is 6 to 7 times less expensive than acquiring new ones.

To retain customers, ensure you're doing the following:

  • Providing top-notch post-purchase support.
  • Including in-depth resources on how to use your products, from a user manual to FAQs and informational guides.
  • Requesting feedback.
  • Offering referral rewards and exclusive discounts.

Top SEO, PPC, and Digital Marketing Blogs to Follow

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